Monday, June 30, 2014

Mon 6/23/2014 10:06 AM

This past week has been a little bit different.  It was a great week though.  Most of our investigators have been sick so it seems like it has been forever since we have seen them.  We spent a lot of time following up with all the people we have contacted and set up appointments with, however a lot of them fell through.  Also, we are in the process of putting a lot of our records online now, so we can work more united with our ward mission leader and so he can see our weekly plans to follow up with us throughout the week.
On Friday we had a great lesson with Hermano Lapop, an inactive member.  He pulled out his mission journal when we were there. We had a great lesson helping him to remember how he had once felt as we used scriptures from Alma 5.  We then eventually were able to get him on his knees to pray and simply ask God what he would want him to do.  So, he prayed out loud for us and then we stayed on our knees in silence for the answer.  Afterwards he expressed to us what came to his mind and that he would be going to church on Sunday and also asked us on Saturday to remind him. Well, he was at church! =D.  Also on Sunday, we all got up and sang a musical number, Elders of Israel. 
This last week we had a ton of contacting experiences which were pretty funny.  We met this Polish man who is a fisherman as well and talked to him for a while.  One of the most unique people I have met.  There were some times were I had to pray and do my best to not start cracking up.  Some of the things that came out of his mouth were just so out there.  Good thing is that we have a new friend who will give us great discounts on fish, squid and whatever from the sea.  I love talking to everyone!  There truly is a whole other aspect of joy and spirit that come from it.

I know that if we but strive to do our best to talk to those around us about the wonderful and marvelous message we have, we will feel the Spirit come into our lives in even more power and abundance.  I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

Monday, June 16, 2014

Mon 6/16/2014 8:40 AM

A lot has happened this past week and I do not have my planner with me, so I will do my best to remember all the things that happened.

Yesterday, on Sunday we had a great day.  During church in Sacrament Meeting we watched a Mormon Message - Earthly Father, Heavenly Father.  It was different watching it during Sacrament Mtg. with a projector, but it was cool.  I love that video.
After church our original appointments fell through, but did for a purpose.  We went home and waited for a member to drop by dinner.  After we got the dinner we ran into Henry's daughter Adelle.  Henry was our Land Lord who passed away a little more than a month ago.  His kids have been in and out fixing everything up and taking care of things.  We hadn't met her before and so we started talking.  She invited us in so she could give us her number and everything.  We started talking and the death of her father and mother came up.  The Spirit was so strong as we were able to talk to her, express our love, and help bring peace to her at this time. She shared the experiences she had right before her parents passed away.  The one about her mother jumped out to me and was pressing itself on my mind and wouldn't go away.  She said that before her mother passed away the thing that brought peace to her was her mother said she saw angels in the room and that they had a book and were preparing her for something.  The whole time after she brought this up, The Book of Mormon kept flashing in my mind and how we believe that after death all those who have not had the chance to hear and receive the gospel will have the opportunity after this life.  We shared with her our testimonies about what the gospel means to us to know that we can live with our families for all time and eternity and that death is not the end and that we know exactly where her father and mother are.  We then expressed how we wanted to give her something, so we ran upstairs, got a Book of Mormon and a Plan of Salvation Pamphlet said said a quick prayer and ran back down the stairs.  I remember  sharing with her how much The Book of Mormon means to me and how as she brought up that book her mother talked about the thought kept pressing itself on my mind to give her this book.  I then told her why and that I felt this was the very book of which she spoke.  It was a very powerful, tender moment in which we all shared tears and enjoyed a great peace.  She accepted the Book and the Pamphlet and said she would always cherish them and start to read them. 
Later that night we went into East Boston and met with Mike, our 21 year old friend who is awesome.  He is a carpenter and travels a lot.  He has been to many other countries and is just an awesome guy.  Before he left for the Dominican Republic last week we had a great talk with him over the phone about a mission, which was guided completely by the Spirit.  Anyway, we talked with him, sharing our conversion stories and how we came to be on missions today.  It was an amazing visit.  He expressed all of his concerns, doubts, and fears.  He has been trying to change his life and has had a really tough one, but the Lord was there helping us with him.  We had some good success with him and I think with time he will actually go.  I know that when he does go and gets that answer, he is going to be the means of so much good because of all the experiences that he has had and just how he is. 
Earlier in the week we were on exchanges and so I was with Elder Tait in my area.  Our appointments canceled on us, it was pouring outside, we got soaked, but it was an awesome day.  We talked with EVERYONE we saw and got so many return appointments. There truly is a different Spirit that comes in missionary work when you strive to talk to everyone instead of having tunnel vision going from point "A" to point "B."  We had a great Fathers day breakfast, and many other great visits during the week.  I wish I had more time to write it all.

If only I could express even the smallest part of what I feel about this amazing work!  I know that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is Christ's church restored on the earth today. There is no doubt to me that it is true.  I know he is very involved in his work and is preparing our brothers and sisters to receive the fulness of his gospel.  All he asks is for us to "doubt not, fear not, but believing".  As we move forward and put our faith and trust in him and talk to everyone we will come to see the truth of the promise in D&C 84:88

"And whoso receiveth you, there I will be also, for I will go before your face.  I will be on your right hand and on your left, and my Spirit shall be in your hearts, and mine angels round about you, to bear you up."

I know that is true.  I invite all of you reading this to think about one person this next week that you can share the gospel with.  I promise you that as you do so prayerfully and out of love, you will feel the truthfulness of this verse.  I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Mon 6/9/2014 10:16 AM

Where to begin about this last week!  It has been amazing.  We have been working like crazy and talking to everyone.  We had a 4 hour zone conference meeting from our mission president about how to receive revelation.  It was really cool, because it solidified the things the Lord had already taught men and inspired me again. It was a great meeting.
We had an amazing lesson with Wilmer at President Haites house again and we extended a baptismal date.  He didn't accept, but said he believes everything is true, he just wants to read the Book of Mormon first.  He is so ready though, so I am not to worried.  We had a 2 hour train ride with him back to our area and along the way talked with everyone.  It was a great experience.
Then there was a day where we met with Veronica, a recent convert that just got baptized like 5 weeks ago.  We met with her about doing member missionary work and had a great lesson with her going over her concerns and fears.  After sharing D&C100:4-8 her friend Gabby walked in.  The Spirit took over and we applied what we just taught Veronica, so she could see it in action.  That meeting was so packed with the Spirit I don't really know how to even begin to explain what happened because it was not us doing the speaking. It was a very powerful visit on our purpose as missionaries, our testimonies and we gave her a Book of Mormon and invited her to read it and apply what we taught Veronica to do when she reads, which is to pay attention to the things that stick out to you because it is the Lord trying to tell you something.  At first Veronica was a little uncomfortable, but then she became very relaxed and handled everything well.   She then texted us later about how amazing it was and how it was what we just taught her in action.  It was great!  Now, we usually do not do that because it is not good to pounce on the member's friends with out them knowing before hand, but this wasn't us, it was the Spirit.  I am just grateful that we were able to be instruments in the Lords hands. 
We picked up a new investigator.  His name is Julian and we contacted him on the train a few weeks ago.  We have been inviting him to our English class, but he hasn't been able to make it.  On Friday, he called us and said, "hey, I want to meet with you and talk about Jesus tomorrow," so, we headed on over there, taught him some English and part of the Restoration.  He is an awesome guy.
Our zone started a World Cup for contacting people.  We have been hearing a lot about talking to everyone and how it is our last priority to track, but really we should be talking to everyone we see on our way to appointments.  We have a point system to help people get a little bit excited about it and to help those who are a little nervous..... make it into a game so they can build up the confidence they need.  Elder Cathcart and I have been rocking it!  It has been a blast!
There was a little poem that Jeffrey R. Holland told when he was here last.  I don't know who it is by, but the one inviting us is Christ and we are on top a huge, beautiful mountain:
Christ: Come to the edge
Me: No, I will fall
Christ: Come to the edge!
Me: No! I will fall
Christ: Come to the edge!!

Me: to the edge I went, he pushed me and I flew!

I don't know how accurate that is, but it gets the point across.

Often times in our lives Christ invites us to come to the edge, to "fear not, but be believing" or in other words, to do some things can seem scary or insane, but by forgetting about ourselves and trusting him and accept his invitation to just come to him at the edge, it is then he can help us fly.

I know that to be true. There are so many times in our lives when it is easy to be afraid.  Life can be scary at times.  We make decisions every day that can affect us for the rest of our lives.  I am so grateful that we have the fulness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ to be that guide to us that we need to get to our common destination, to live with our loving Heavenly Father and Savior Jesus Christ once more.
I know that Jesus Christ lives, and that he is inviting us all to come unto him, to forget our doubts, fears and selves so that he can help us fly.  I leave these things with you in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

Monday, June 2, 2014

Mon 6/2/2014 10:18 AM

There has been a lot that has transpired these past two weeks.  I will do my best to touch on everything.
Two weeks ago we had a mission conference and Jeffrey R. Holland was there.  It was an amazing experience.  It was great to see everyone again that I have come to love, but as we were in our seats early and ready to receive revelation, it prepared us for what then followed.  He walked in the room and we all stood, and the Spirit just poured in.  We were all able to go and shake his and his wife's hands and Elder Hallstrom's of the Seventy.  I have never heard Sister Holland speak before, but man she speaks with such power and conviction.  No wonder they are married.

Along with amazing talks, we had beautiful musical numbers.  After Pres. Holland and all of them left we all stood in reverence and reflected on what we had just learned through the Spirit.  This was probably my favorite part of all of it.  There is nothing quite like the Spirit teaching you.

This last week we picked up two new investigators.  We had one appointment at President Haite's house in Belmont with a guy that he found.  His name is Wilmer and is from Guatemala.  He is an amazing guy and we had a very different but amazing lesson nevertheless.  We team taught with the Belmont English sisters and with Pres. Haite and his wife, all of which did not speak a lick of spanish and Wilmer's English isn't the's pretty good, but we ended up going over what they were teaching in Spanish.  It was a bilingual lesson.  We will be going back over there this week again.  Also, as we were walking home from an appointment we ran into this guy named Sylvester.  I do not know what to say to describe him other than he is unique.  He knows a lot about religion and is looking for truth and sure can talk.  We met with him in his basement and he is a DJ.  He was showing us all his stuff and right as we were about to start the lesson he started blasted some Metallica; wanting to listen to some good music as we taught him the gospel... lol!  Don't worry, we had him turn it off, but it was still pretty funny as I looked over at my companion and saw his

This last Saturday we took Rosario, Stephanie and John to the temple and prepped them beforehand for what they were about to feel.  It was a great visit. They felt such a great peace and spirit there.  We walked in the temple into the waiting room and took time for them to feel the difference. Stephanie later explained to us, "I felt like I left this world."  We then took time for them to pray outside and express to God their questions and concerns.  After that, we asked them some questions to see what they got out of the experience.  Stephanie knows that it is true with all her heart and is one very special youth.  John was behaving himself as well and had a great time at the temple and with his prayer as well.  At the end of the day we committed Stephanie to do missionary work and to help her mom.

On Sunday, after learning about some of the doubts/concerns Rosario had, we had a lot of testimonies that touched on her situation.  Towards the end I felt impressed to ask one of my favorite members who just so happened to be sitting behind us to get up and bear her testimony on Joseph Smith and how we can know he was a prophet and more.  She at first looked at me like, you want me to go up now?  She was a little caught off guard, but man was it what was needed!  I remember praying so hard that the spirit would pour out as this lady was so willing to get up there and help Rosario.  The Spirit poured out, and hit me very strongly confirming to me that Rosario just received what she needed to hear.  This lady who was so willing to help us out and share her testimony just so happened to hit on things I didn't even ask her to bear her testimony on, but that Rosario needed to hear.  After sacrament I talked to Rosario to see how she was doing and what she thought. I  expressed to her the feelings I had about sacrament meeting and how I felt the Spirit confirm to me that she had just received what she needed.  It was a nice little talk and she simply replied with a hmmm and a smile.  During class we ran into Hermana Garcia (the one who bore her testimony) in the hallway and she said that Rosario just talked to her and thanked her for her testimony and that it was exactly what she needed to hear. She then shared more of her story with Rosario and invited her over to her house this week and gave us some tips that will help. =D.  It was amazing.  Then to add to all of this, Rosario talked to her ex husband after church and told him that she had been going to church.  That was a huge step for her btw, and we will leave it there. 
These past two weeks have been amazing and the Lord truly is hastening his work.  I know that if we but lose ourselves in the Lord's work with a willing heart everything will work out and miracles will happen.  I know that miracles have not ceased and that they are very much still here as we but act in faith and do our part.  I leave these things with you in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.