Saturday, February 23, 2013

Sat 2/2/2013 9:57 AM

Querido Familia, (Dear Family)

(I will be writing in Espanol/Spanglish just fyi so some of this letter you will have to have someone translate)

Hola mi familia! Yo amo el MTC. Es moy deficil but moy worth it, so it's bien. Mi companero es el Elder Blackburn from tahachepee CA y el moy amor. He is an awesome companion, he has two years of spanish on his belt already btw. Estamos esnenar noestro uno leccion en Espanol y it was moy humbling. We really only had the day to prepare and so mi Companero y mi decided to fast and had a wonderful day, we studied, prepared with all our strength. As we went to meet with our investigator Isaac (a guy who actually baptized the real Isaac) we prayed before we went in in spanglish and desired so badly to be filled with love and to teach by the spirit and that we could portray ourselves in Espanol. As we walked in I felt all the Espanol I studied and had down pretty good go away. My mind was blank! LOL so I prayed continuesly for mi companero and he was able to remember things he learned two years ago. We weren't really able to give the leccion or get our point across in the lesson the spirit was guiding us to and so after we had him read Alma 32:27 I just bore mi testimonio en espanol. It was very simple and completely correct but the spirit was there. Estudiomos Espanol es moy deficio but it is possible and worth it. We have to teach him again a leccion today at 4:30 so it will be interesting. I was made the District Leader of my district we have another elder companionship and two sister companionships and I mucho amor. I love being here and it really isn't as hard as I thought it would be, it is still hard but mostly because it seems like there is no time to learn the language, take care of everything else like my district, but somehow there is time. I love it very much and I love you all very much. I originally wrote out a letter in espanol but I felt for the first one as I strated typing I should write you in mostly english. The next one will be in espanol/spanglish. Btw the food here is actually pretty good! same with the orange juice. Please forward this letter to Rosette, Pres Rich and everyone know that isn't family I can't email them only write letters. I love you.

I would like to bear my testimony that I do know this Church is true, I know Jesus Christ is our savior and loves us more than we could ever imagine. It is by his grace we CAN do anything as long as we are faithful. As my teacher said "Frustration diminishes faith." that is also true. So for all of you keep moving forward feasting after the words of life (Christ).

P.S. Next time I write my testimonio will be in Espanol. Love you all Lots. Pray for me plz!


Elder Salerno

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