Friday, March 1, 2013

Fri 3/1/2013 5:44 AM

Awesome, thank you mom for sharing about your Stake Conference with Elder Bowen!
 I am going to buy another sd card and send some pics home that way or if I have time upload them through an email( but more than likely won't have enough time)
Everything is going really really well! I got my travel arrangements the other day.  It's so weird to think that I have already been here 4 weeks!
We have got 2 new districts in our zone and now the elders are outnumbered by all the Hermanas (sis.) by one in our zone.
On Sunday we had M. Russell Ballard come to give the devotional and it was amazing! He walked in and when he did everyone felt the Spirit so strongly! It was an amazing talk!
So, an awesome experience I have had (just one of the many) is about a hermana who was new and struggling a lot. I prayed and prayed for the pure love of Christ and the Spirit so I could know how to help this struggling hermana. By and By the Spirit gave me, in the very moment, what she needed. It was an amazig experience and I will have to go into more detail another time when I have time.  I will just share the last part of it.  After following the Spirit I felt prompted to ask if she wanted a blessing. She said yes and so we ( my companion, her comp. and coordinating sisters) all went into a quiet room and she asked me to give it. This was truly an amazing experience as I know with all my heart that what I said was not from me. The Spirit was so strong and I literally felt Christ in that room telling me what to say. There were things that were said that I had no idea she needed to be said and promises I gave that only the Spirit could have given her. After the blessing, this once struggling Hermana was filled with such peace, joy and happiness that she could'nt contain herself. When she was able to get hold of herself she later told us that as she was receiving the blessing she felt more than just the Spirit very strongly, but she felt an actual presence by her side with arms around her.
I just want you to know mom, and those reading this, that I know with all my heart and soul that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints IS Christ's church fully restored on the earth today. I know that because Christ's church has been restored, we have the same Priesthood that the prophets of old had, the same power by which the sea was parted, by which the dead was raised, sick and afflicted healed. and last but truly not least I know with every ounce of being that Christ lives. I have felt his presence and love so many times during the past two years and especially while I have been here at the MTC.
For those of you who may be struggling in or out of the Church, those who are not members of the church and have no idea what I am talking about, I want you to know that I love you, and that Christ loves you more than you can ever comprehend. Start reading the Book of Mormon which truly is another testament of Jesus Christ and pray to know if it is true. Once you receive that answer (which I know you will) you can then come to know a peace and joy in life that you never thought was possible to have. I leave this testimony and witness to you in the sacred name of our Lord, our Savior, even Jesus Christ, amen.
Elder Salerno

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