Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Mon 10/21/2013 9:08 AM

There has been a lot going on here in New London.  I love this place, the people and my companion now so much and in such little time.  It has been one of the hardest things so far in my mission, but it has been amazing to see the Lord's hands in my life guiding and directing me in all that I am doing here.
This past week we had 44 people at church!  It was our branch conference and so the Stake Presidency came down, and it was really good.  We had 4 non-members at sacrament that a member brought, and we have an appointment set up with them this next week.
At church on Sunday, before everything started, there was a sister there who was having a hard time and asked if we could give her a blessing.  It was a beautiful blessing and after, she wanted to talk to us.  It was hard to hear everything she had been through, but the love that I had for this women I just met, increased greatly and it was amazing to have the Spirit work through me to say the things that she needed to hear and guide her to our loving Banch President for advice.  It warmed my heart even more to see her after church and see her Spirit uplifted and to just let her know that we are there for her.  On Sunday, the love I have for all the members doubled, it was truly an amazing Sunday.  By the way, our Branch Pres. is the brother of Juan Diego who was in my first area in Bridgeport.  His wife is also the daughter of people I knew back there.  So it is cool to hear how everyone is doing back there in Bridgeport.
On Saturday we were able to go to the temple because we had a youth trip up there to do baptisms for the dead.  It was a great experience to get to know the youth more and I love any opportunity we get to go to the Temple anyway =D.  While we were there I saw Elder Sompii, Freeman, and Sousa, along with members from Revere ward.  That was a nice little treat.  They had taken a recent convert to the Temple for his 1st time.  It was awesome to see them all and hear about what is going on in Revere now.  All the hard work we started last transfer has taken off!!!! To where 6 missionaries do not have the time to do everything they need to and are going on splits with members every day and still are not able to get everything done and meet with everyone they need to!  It is so awesome to hear that!
Elder Pope and I have been getting around to meet with people, so I can get to know them.  As of right now we are going to try and do the same thing we did in Revere down here.  Work with the members and get the branch to be a place where all the less actives feel welcomed and wanted again and then also have them focus on finding people for us and getting excited about this great work!  So, we shall see how it all works out.  It will be a little hard because most of our active members work a ton and crazy schedules as well, but it is possible.
The stake is wanting our branch to focus on our less actives anyway, so it should be great.

I know that the Lord is very aware of each and every one of us and our situations.  I know that He may not always answer us when we want to be answered or when we think that we need His help, but He always is there in our greatest time of need.  I have seen that so much in my life and especially lately.  He can, if we let him, increase our capacity to do, to love, and to understand.  But, we need to put our trust and faith in him, even when it seems that He is stretching us beyond what we can bear.
I know that He loves each and every one of us more than we can ever comprehend and that truly the best way we can come close to taste this love, even in the smallest degree, is by serving others and putting them first.
I love this gospel so much!  I love my Savior, Jesus Christ and I am so grateful for all that He does, and continues to do for me and everyone of us.  I know that those who trust Him, and look forward with faith will be supported in all their trials.  I know with all my hear and soul that He lives for I have felt his presence so many times in my life, picking me up and helping me to continue, when I myself had nothing else to give.
So, the invitation I leave with all of you reading this, who are laboring and are heavy laden, is to turn to your Savior Jesus Christ, and I promise you that He will give you rest.  I leave these things with all of you, in the sacred name, of Jesus Christ, amen.

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