Monday, July 22, 2013

7/22/2013 9:38 AM

This past week there has been a lot of good going on.  On Saturday we had a Stake family day and they wanted all the missionaries in the Stake to come to help out, so we did.  It was a blast!  I was assigned to pass out Otter Pops to everyone and there was a flood of little kids from 3-5 yrs. who would come back every few minutes for another since it was so hot, but I loved it so much.  It is so hard to observe the ways little children talk and act and not be filled with a greater love and respect for all of our many blessings from our loving Heavenly Father.

During this week we were lucky to be able to meet with Camilo (Alma's son).   He had a lot of really good questions.  I am glad that we were able to answer them and shed some light on some of the things he just didn't understand why we do what we do in the church.   Concerning his doubts that arose we shared a few scriptures where the Lord tells us to prove him and his words.  We then bore our testimonies that the Lord will make these things known to us if we but ask in faith with real intent.  It is truly remarkable that we do not have to rely on what others say, but that we can find out for ourselves directly from the source. 
I love the Book of Mormon and love sharing scriptures from it and inviting others to come closer to Jesus Christ and to put the Book of Mormon to the test.  The best part is that I can do this with a perfect confidence because I know with all my heart that they will receive the same answer that I and many others have received.
I do not have much time today because there are a lot of people waiting for computers here at the library, but I do know that this church is true and I know that those who truly want to come closer to Christ and follow him can do more so by reading the Book of Mormon and the Bible together.  For the one adds more clarity to the other and a more complete witness that Jesus Christ is the Savior of the World and our Redeemer and that through Him we can have peace and joy.  I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

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