Monday, July 29, 2013

Mon 7/29/2013 9:01 AM

This past week my heart has been filled with such gratitude for everything in my life.  I am so grateful that the Lord in his great mercy has been bringing back to my remembrance the things he has done for me and those whom I hold dear in my life.  There is so much beauty in the family and it is no wonder to me why the family unit is central to the Lord's plan for his children.  It is a place where we can learn, grow and develop in a loving atmosphere and where we are surrounded by those who only want us to succeed.  So I am very grateful for my wonderful family and everything that each individual brings to the table to add their own insight on things.
This last week there was a lot of great things that happened.  We met with Kayla and actually are practicing for an inter-faith musical event coming up.  We are doing "I Need Thee Every Hour," and she is playing the guitar and her boyfriend is singing with Elder Jones and I.  I am a little bit nervous because there will be a lot of really good performers there, but it is ok because we will bring the Spirit with us!  When we have the Spirit with us it doesn't matter if we sing horrible or not... Haha, but honestly we are not too bad.

We were able to visit with a referral we received from a member, with the member there, and it was an amazing 1st lesson.  The spirit was very strong and we were able to teach in unity and love.  Her name is Flor and we are excited to be teaching her.

We also met with a less active family that we have been working with for a time, whom I really have come to love so much and found out another one of their needs for sure, something we have thought, and so we have been basing our lessons around, and they finally just opened up and said, we believe this church is true and that Joseph Smith was a Prophet, but we don't believe in the Book of Mormon. So, we brought back to their remembrance some of the wonderful experiences we have had with them from reading from the Book of Mormon and how they felt the Spirit testifying to them and explained more about the Spirit and how it cannot testify of something false.  It was a wonderful visit and we shared many things through the Spirit and committed them to read the Book of Mormon and keep praying until they receive an answer.  Before they only prayed once or twice and expected it right then.  We have them on a reading schedule to finish it in 100 days to fit with their schedule.

A lady in our branch gave birth to a baby boy the other day and he has heart issues.  They were separated for a day or two because they sent her home and he stayed in the hospital, but now they are re-united.  We visited them last night and he is so precious.  She wanted us to give him a blessing and asked me to give it.  It was a very touching experience for me to give that blessing and afterward my companion and I felt such great peace, love and gratitude for everything, especially the Priesthood and to be able to hold it worthily.

On Friday we had a baptism for an 8 year old girl named Rachel Marquez.  It went very well, but let's just say that the day was insane, so many things went wrong, but there was a lot of laughter a long with it so let's just leave it at that..... Haha.

Yesterday I gave a talk in sacrament pretty much on the fly.  I was told to have something prepared just in case some one didn't show up.  I had about 30 min., but the Spirit guided me in what I needed to talk about and what scriptures to use and everything.  I wasn't even nervous.  I remember in Exodus 4 that when Moses was told to go forth and preach he was very nervous and doubtful because of he was slow of speech and didn't think he was fit to do the Lord's errand.  The Lord showed him signs that really all is possible through him, but he still doubted.  This is the conversation between him and the Lord-
10 ¶And Moses said unto the Lord, O my Lord, I am not eloquent, neither heretofore, nor since thou hast spoken unto thy servant: but I am slow of a
speech, and of a bslow tongue.

11 And the Lord said unto him, Who hath made man’s mouth? or who amaketh the dumb, or deaf, or the seeing, or the blind?  Have not I the Lord?

So verse 11 has been in my mind a lot with the language and has been a great source of help to me.  I remembered this and went forward with faith.  During sacrament I felt the Spirit completely envelope me and then the speaker before me I could understand pretty much perfectly.  After she was done I then got up and spoke about the Atonement and how that applies to missionary work.  I did it with no notes or anything, just completely relying on the Spirit, the scriptures I planned on sharing I felt I shouldn't and so shared others that came to mind.  It truly is amazing how the Lord works by the faith of the children of men.  The spanish that rolled off my tongue came naturally and the rest of the day I could understand most of everything that was going on.

So, for those who may be wondering how the guitar learning is going.  I have learned, "I Need the Every Hour;" "How Firm a Foundation," and I am currently working on, "The Spirit of God," which I have down, just not too quick at it yet.  It is amazing how much we can truly fit into our schedules when we just plan properly and space things out smartly.
For lack of time I have, I strongly encourage you all to read and feast on the word's of Enos in the Book of Mormon because there is so much wonderful information in that chapter on how we can truly keep our baptismal covenant we made with the Lord; to stand as a witness of Jesus Christ at all times and in all places.  I have come to love this chapter more and more and I have pondered it.

I would like to bear my testimony on the Atonement of Jesus Christ and I pray that the Holy Ghost will be with me as I do so and carry this testimony to your hearts for truly it is the most important event that ever has happened or ever will happen in all time and eternity.

For I know that it is the source of all joy and a well of living water for us.  It is the fruit that Lehi saw in the vision about the tree of life.  It is the very bases of all Christian beliefs and doctrine.

All those reading this, I want you yo know that I know with all my heart that Jesus Christ is the Savior and Redeemer of the World.  He is the Messiah, which means the anointed one.  He was chosen to be the Savior of the children of men and he is the only one who could have done what He did, which was to take upon himself, not only the sins of the whole world, but also the sicknesses, infirmities, and everything that we go through in this life that just is not right.  Whether that be sadness, depression, anger, pain and whatever else affects our happiness.  This burden was so intense that it "Caused himself, even God the greatest of all, to tremble because of pain, and to bleed at every pore, and to suffer both body and spirit- and would that I might not drink the bitter cup, and shrink-."  I know that this event happened because I have used the Atonement in my life and have felt the love of God, which love causeth my soul to rejoice and share this wonderful message with others.  For it is not only for our sins, but to receive the grace or the enabling power in order to continue on in our journey in this life until we can once again return to live with our Heavenly Father and become like Him.

I know that Jesus Christ lives and because He lives we can do all things through Him for truly "I can do all things through Christ who strengtheneth me."

It is my prayer that those of you who have felt the redeeming power of the Savior to always remember how that feels.  Remember that overwhelming sense of joy and peace of knowing you are clean and I promise you that as you remember these experiences and the greatness of God and your own nothingness (recognizing you dependence on God) you will feel an overwhelming desire to keep your baptismal covenant to stand as a witness of God at all times and in all places.  This my friends is the greatest source of Joy we can receive.  To use the Atonement to become clean, to use the Atonement in all things that we endeavor to do, praying with all our hearts and souls for the grace or enabling power of our Savior.

For all of you who feel your testimony in Jesus Christ is not as strong as it once was or that it is not as strong you would like, I invite you to remember your prier experiences and move forward with faith, remembering daily these things and clinging to the power of the Atonement; relying wholly on the Lord in all that you do.

For those of you that feel lost and that you cannot feel this joy of which I speak, I testify as a representative of Jesus Christ Himself that you can come to feel this great peace and joy once again in your lives as you humble yourself and turn to the Lord and apply the Atoning blood of Jesus Christ to your life.  We are truly never to deep or too far gone to where the Lord's arm cannot reach us.

Of these things I solemnly and gratefully testify, in the sacred name of our Lord, and Savior, even Jesus Christ, amen.

Monday, July 22, 2013

7/22/2013 9:38 AM

This past week there has been a lot of good going on.  On Saturday we had a Stake family day and they wanted all the missionaries in the Stake to come to help out, so we did.  It was a blast!  I was assigned to pass out Otter Pops to everyone and there was a flood of little kids from 3-5 yrs. who would come back every few minutes for another since it was so hot, but I loved it so much.  It is so hard to observe the ways little children talk and act and not be filled with a greater love and respect for all of our many blessings from our loving Heavenly Father.

During this week we were lucky to be able to meet with Camilo (Alma's son).   He had a lot of really good questions.  I am glad that we were able to answer them and shed some light on some of the things he just didn't understand why we do what we do in the church.   Concerning his doubts that arose we shared a few scriptures where the Lord tells us to prove him and his words.  We then bore our testimonies that the Lord will make these things known to us if we but ask in faith with real intent.  It is truly remarkable that we do not have to rely on what others say, but that we can find out for ourselves directly from the source. 
I love the Book of Mormon and love sharing scriptures from it and inviting others to come closer to Jesus Christ and to put the Book of Mormon to the test.  The best part is that I can do this with a perfect confidence because I know with all my heart that they will receive the same answer that I and many others have received.
I do not have much time today because there are a lot of people waiting for computers here at the library, but I do know that this church is true and I know that those who truly want to come closer to Christ and follow him can do more so by reading the Book of Mormon and the Bible together.  For the one adds more clarity to the other and a more complete witness that Jesus Christ is the Savior of the World and our Redeemer and that through Him we can have peace and joy.  I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Wed 7/17/2013 11:31 AM

This last week has been pretty crazy busy and hopefully I can make at least some sense since I am a little out of it today.

This week we have been on the bikes every day and they have real issues!  It is nice though to be able to get around more and be able to fit in a lot more visits.

There has been a sickness that has been going around our district.   It started with the district leader then my companion Elder Jones got sick and then I got sick because I accidently drank out of his water bottle.  So, needless to say it has been fun.  There seems to be a lot of sicknesses out here!  Anyway, we have been sweating it out on the bikes and yesterday we ended up riding 21 miles, so we are pretty exhausted, especially since there are a lot of good sized hills here.  

I am still in Bridgeport and have not been transferred.  Alma is still not baptized.  It will happen, I am pretty sure, but things just keep coming up.  Her husband is in the hospital still and probably won't be able to go to her baptism, but she still knows the experience she had and we are keeping in touch with her.  Because of this whole ordeal though we started to teach her son Camillo again and we got his interest.  We stopped by trying to meet with Alma and she wasn't there, but Camillo was.  We met with him and got to know his beliefs more and then asked him some questions that got him thinking.   He expressed how since there are so many different religions it is hard to know what is real and what isn't.  We then asked him a question and taught him and bore testimony that he could find out for himself by praying and asking God.  We showed him how to pray, and some ways that the Holy Ghost could manifest the truth to him.  We then shared part of the restoration about Joseph Smith and how the Book of Mormon came to be.  We invited him to accept the Book of Mormon and pray about it.  We got down on our knees right then and there and he asked God if he should read it.  The thought, "give it a shot" kept coming to his mind and we then explained to him that is one of the ways that the Holy Ghost can tell us what we need to do.  He is reading it and we are going to meet with him tomorrow.

We got another investigator who is a girlfriend of one of the youth in out branch, her name is Kayla.   Our district does a prayer list for a week until our meetings and so each companionship chooses one person they feel that we all should pray about and come up with some specific things to pray about for that specific person.  It is amazing to see the results.  All the people we have prayed about have progressed as everyone does their part.

The Lord truly does hear and answer our faithful prayers especially when we are all united in purpose.  I decided to read the Book of Mormon in 50 days in Spanish and so a lot of my free time goes to that, which honestly isn't much free time.  So my guitar learning will have to wait a little longer.

Everything is going really good.  I am getting to know my companion more and we are starting to be able to work a little better together.  On Saturday we went to a baptism for the Sullivan family.  A family I have really only had the chance to meet with and teach twice, but have become really close to them.  They are such a wonderful family and it was an amazing experience to see all of them get baptized together!  The spirit that was in the room was incredible and then that same day they were all confirmed members in the church.  All the missionaries were invited to confirm the mother and her daughter as members and that was a pretty unique experience.  Every time I hear the words "Receive the Holy Ghost" I feel the Spirit so strongly and my love increases along with greater gratitude for the Priesthood. 

I would like to bear my testimony today to all of you on prayer and how beautiful it truly is.  I know that prayer truly is direct communication with our loving Heavenly Father, and that through it all we can come to know for ourselves that we are the sons and daughter of God and that we can turn to him always for our support.  I know that it is through our sincere, faithful prayers that miracles happen and that we come closer to our Father in Heaven and our Savior Jesus Christ.  Some of the most precious experiences in my life have been though truly praying to my Father in Heaven and how grateful I am for this.  When we truly "Pray as if everything depended on God and work as if everything depended on you.." miracles happen.
I know that this church is true and that Jesus Christ is our Savior and Redeemer.  I know that Joseph Smith was a prophet of God and that we have a prophet on the earth today who is Thomas S. Monson.  I know that all those who desire to know these things for themselves can ask God in prayer and receive that witness for themselves.  I leave this with you in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

Monday, July 8, 2013

Mon 7/8/2013 10:44 AM

For July 4th we did service in the extremely humid heat, then we came home completely exhausted and dead, planned a bit, then went up with all the missionaries in our district and ate at a member's house.   Played volleyball, basketball, then went with the Sullivan family to play ultimate frisbee and watch the fireworks.  It was really, really nice. 

This past week there has been a lot that happened, too much to write about!  I think I want to focus on yesterday.
We confirmed Milena, which was an awesome experience.  After sacrament we taught the youth. a last second thing since their teacher wasn't there.  That was awesome.  They just got back from a Pioneer Trek and had a good experience.  In short, we related that experience to them being pioneers today and helped them see their potential.  As we spoke I felt the Spirit speaking through us so powerfully! After that we had a lunch with a LA and we are teaching her and her daughter to get them ready for baptism on the 26th of this month (it is very hard to have a full fast in the Spanish program!).  
We got to ride our new bikes that we got last week (they are old, and in very bad shape due to previous accidents) and we rode everywhere.  We stopped and talked to a man named Kenny who waved us down, and he was interested.  All the things he was saying to us lined up with what we believe, but he didn't want a Book of Mormon, but accepted a Pamphlet. It was a nice little discussion we had.  Then we continued to visit with some of the Potential investigators we have.  I don't think I have ever sweated as much in my entire life as we did that day.  We finally got an appointment for this week, so we are so excited.
We met with a bunch of people on the way home and are currently working with a couple to help them get married so the lady can get baptised and the man get the Priesthood.
We are starting a Bible study class as well and are working to get it advertised so we can get all people, members and non-members to come to it and hopefully spark some more interest.
There is a lot of good stuff happening here and transfers are coming up =/.  I hope I will be able to stay a little longer, but if I get transferred, then oh well, it will be where I need to be. 
I am so grateful for all of my many blessings, and I can see that the Lord is helping me learn the language so quickly, more quickly than I ever could on my own.  As time goes by, and when I don't worry about it, I am just speaking more and more spanish and understanding more and more.  It truly is remarkable.

I want to bear my testimony that I know that this church is true, I know that Jesus Christ is our Savior and Redeemer and that he lives.  I know that this is His church and His work and that all who come unto Him can come to know a peace and joy they couldn't come to know otherwise.
I know that those who believe in the Bible and are willing to read the Book of Mormon and ask God if it is true will find out for themselves of its truthfulness.  I ask you to please put to test my words and find out for yourselves these things.  I leave this with you in the sacred name of Jesus Christ, amen.

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Mon 7/1/2013 10:48 AM

This last week seemed like we had no time to do missionary work because of all the different meetings we had and things to prepare for, but it was an awesome week!  We met with a referral we received from the sisters who are so awesome.  We were only able to stop in for a few moments because they were super busy, but we were able to use the priesthood and give a blessing on her house and family.  Her house was truly a refuge from what is going on outside in the world and she is an awesome lady.  She has the light of Christ so much already, I hope she will be willing to learn more and be able to add to that light because if she does then man, she will be awesome!
We had interviews with President Packard and a training by the traveling Elders on Zion.  It was all very, very good, especially meeting with Pres. Packard.  He is truly an amazing man and the love he has for everyone and the knowledge of the gospel and his ability to follow the Spirit is a great example to all of us.
A lot of the stuff that we had planned and set up this week seemed to fall through and there was a lot of walking, but that is how it goes sometimes, but it's always worth it, especially when the Lord puts us where he needs us to meet someone he has been preparing. It seems like we run into so many people and have to pass them off to the English Elders, but it's awesome because it is all the same work! 
We spent all day Saturday prepping for Sunday, since now every 5th Sunday we have to pretty much take care of classes and everything.  We spent all day prepping for our talks in sacrament, selecting the videos to watch from the missionary broadcast 2 weeks ago, planned for a branch Family Home Evening and then the baptism that night for Milena Lopez.  It was a long but awesome day.  The sisters were at the chapel also for a little bit because they had to practice a musical thing they were performing on Sunday, so we got to listen and it was very moving and beautiful.  I am so grateful for people who develop their talents and skills and share them with people.  I wish I did more of that when I was younger, but there is always time!  (by the way, this is random, but on P-days and when there is free time that doesn't interfere with the work I am learning how to play the guitar from Elder Lefthand). 
So, back to Saturday prepping...after much praying I felt I needed to speak about our baptismal covenants and also about building Zion.  All day I tried to put things together and I just wasn't satisfied.   I then woke up early Sunday to try and finish and get things on paper.  I remembered about my experiences prepping my farewell talks before my mission and got on my knees and prayed with everything I had sharing my righteous sincere desires.  I felt the Spirit and very peaceful and that everything was going to be ok. During sacrament meeting as I partook of the sacrament I felt the Spirit wash over me completely again giving me the peace I needed.  I got up with my scriptures and a lot of note cards that I might use if the Spirit directed and also had True to the Faith or en espanol Leales a la fe.  I expressed my gratitude and then paused and relied wholly on the spirit.  I was able to talk about the baptismal covenant and what it means to build Zion and why it is important.  It was truly amazing to see the Lord helping me through my weakness in the language and truly as the scriptures say, make weak things become strong.  After me Elder Jones got up and talked and that was awesome as well.  It all tied in perfectly and he let everyone know the things that we as missionaries are here to do and why we are here.  After that Hermano Borjas our Branch Missionary Leader got up and talked on the same things and really backed us up.  We were all unified and didn't even know what the other was going to talk about.  It was amazing.
For Priesthood and Relief Society we watched the videos from the broadcast and that was awesome to have the Prophet and the Apostles back up the words we said last Sunday in branch counsel, when pretty much everyone thought we were joking.  So, it was an awesome Sunday.  There were a lot of people excited afterwards. Now we just have to figure out how we can get out there to visit with everyone!  We then had F.H.E and it was a nice turn out and there was a lot of food!

We got a ride by Hermano Borjas to the Trumbull building where the baptism would be and we got ready for it.  I practiced over and over again in Spanish what I needed to say to baptize Milena.  I was fine and had it down.  Then the time came and for some reason I got really nervous once I got in the water.  Then as my heart was pounding I almost forgot everything lol, but it came and it was a successful first one.  When I said those words I honestly can't even come close to explain the way I felt, but there are no words to even come close.  There is so much power in those words.  We had almost 40 people there and pretty much all the single adults from New Haven came down to support Milena since they met her once before at institute.  It was a great day.
This morning after my study I studied the hymn books and the songs in them and how beautiful they are and the scriptures they came from.  I love the introduction to the hymn book and I encourage all of you reading this to read it and do as it directs, for there truly is so much power in music. 

I would like to bear my testimony that I know with all my heart and soul that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is the Church of Jesus Christ restored in its fullness on the earth today along with the Holy Priesthood of God.  The same Priesthood that Christ and his disciples used to heal the sick, raise the dead and give comfort to those who were in need of comfort, it has been restored along with the Authority to use it.
I know that we are all here on the earth for the same purpose and that all who have received the wonderful blessing of coming to know of the truthfulness of the gospel have the sacred responsibility to share it with all other people so they to can come to know what we know.
I know that Jesus Christ is our Savior and our Redeemer and knows each and everyone of us perfectly.  I know that he truly did take upon himself all of our sins, sicknesses, infirmities and everything we go through in this life that is unjust and just not right and suffered for all of these things which caused himself "  even God, the greatest of all, to tremble because of pain, and to bleed at every pore, and to suffer both body and spirit—and would that I might bnot drink the bitter cup, and shrink—" 

D&C 19:18

I know this because I felt his love in my life and his redeeming power.  I know that He lives and because He lives we truly can overcome anything that is put in our life that seems too big or too overwhelming if we but turn to him.  I know that all people can come to know this for themselves and come to feel what I have felt IF they read The Book of Mormon, ponder the things in it, and then with real intent and all sincerity ask God himself in mighty prayer if it is true, that they WILL receive an answer testifying of the truthfulness of it.  We can apply this method to all things we do.  Should we come to a cross road and need to make a decision we can ask God and he will guide us.  I know these things are true with all my heart, soul and mind for I have done them myself.
As a representative of Jesus Christ I invite ALL to come unto Him, to learn of Him.  I promise all who do this and the things I have bore witness of, WILL come to know that Jesus Christ is the Only Begotten Son of God, the Lord and Savior of all the World and will come to know that this truly is his Church restored on the earth today; that the Book of Mormon is true and that we have a Prophet on the earth today just as in times of old whose name is Thomas S. Monson.  I leave this promise and my love to all of you in that sacred name, even the sacred name of Jesus Christ, amen.