Friday, November 15, 2013

Tue 11/12/2013 11:04 AM

Some wonderful news!  It snowed this morning, and so that means that the time will soon come for me to freeze over!  It is starting to get just a little chilly here, but not too bad.
The work here in New London is going pretty well right now. There is a lot to do though.  We are still working with the people we have set for baptismal dates.  We are trying to help them based on their needs.  The members have been helping a lot as well which is wonderful because they do have some concerns, but nothing the Lord can't settle.
It is crazy that a whole transfer has already almost passed by.  Time sure does fly.  It will be interesting to see what happens.  Lately it seems like Elder Pope and I have been using a lot more English than Spanish, so we have come to the conclusion and set the goal to speak Spanish all the time, especially when it is only he and I.  So far it has been going pretty good.  It is nice to both be on the same page and want to push each other.
 New London has been a great blessing in disguise.  I love it here so much and the people, but it has also been a very trying place. The wonderful thing though is the Lord has been there by my side the entire time, even though at the time it may not have felt like it. We are all to go through times of trial where it may seem very hard for whatever reason.  The Lord requires us to go forward in darkness to test our faith and willingness to follow him.  I know that even though he requires us to do this He is there gently leading us along, planting little speckles of light just enough in-front of us to help us press on, but not seeing any more than that until the next saving speckle of light appears.  Oh how great the wisdom and love of our Heavenly Father!   I am so grateful that he allows us to have these experiences, for truly out of them we come to know ourselves, Him and our Savior so much more.  We come to develop our character and our ability to better help others.

For those of you who may be feeling that you are overwhelmed or are struggling with whatever it may be, I encourage you to press forward!  The Lord is there and I promise you that indeed a man or a woman does not stand taller than when they are on their knees praying to our Heavenly Father for help and guidance.  I know that as you move forward and press along, that the speckle of light will appear, even at those times where it seems you have nothing else to give. 

I know that Jesus Christ is the Savior and Redeemer of the World.  I know that he has walked that path before us and therefore is able to guide is where we need to go.

I invite all you who may be laboring and feeling heavy-laden to turn to Christ for surely He will give you rest. I say these things in the sacred name of Jesus Christ, amen.

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