Thursday, December 18, 2014

Mon 12/15/2014 10:14 AM

Today we are filming a skit with a Harry Potter theme for the Christmas Party this Friday!  I know a lot of you are dying to know about the goals for December.  Well, due to the "Christmas Season," we are striving for 50 baptisms.  We feel it is what the Lord wants.  This time of year a lot of people are out of town and so many of our December dates had already been moved forward to November.  A good way to look at it was best explained by one of our Sister Training Leaders who swam before her Mission.  Right before a big meet they would take a few days to rest up for that big day coming.  The goal for January has already been set and will be revealed at the Christmas Party.  We all feel that November was just the beginning and that things are going to take off from there.

It is a very exciting time in the Massachusetts Boston Mission.  The area has been doing good.  On Saturday we went to the Temple to see the Ortega family get sealed for time and all eternity.  It was an amazing experience.  My favorite part was to see their kids come into the room dressed all in white.  Later that night we drove all the way down to Warwick for the Musical Fireside the mission was doing there. 

This last week all of our investigator appointments canceled and so we weren't able to meet with anyone.  Right now Elder Sanchez and I are trying to focus on finding more people and will focus our lessons on the "why" our investigators want to meet with us to hopefully help them start progressing should they truly be interested.  We seem to get a lot of good potentials and referrals from people here, but they don't really go anywhere after that.  We are able to meet with people once, and it goes really well; where the people are like, "WOW, I want to meet with you more," but then life gets in their way. So, we are constantly following up and striving to meet with them again as well as track down the good referrals we have. 

This time of year is so amazing!  I am so grateful for the time I have to be able to be on my mission and especially to finish my mission during this time of year.  There is just a very special spirit in the world at this time.  This month is a time of service, love and really good will toward man.  How blessed we should feel as members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints because we have the good news of our Savior Jesus Christ.  This time is an opportunity that we have to share the wonderful story of not only the birth of our Savior, but of his life and his teachings.  All of which makes it our story to tell because we have the fullness of the gospel, a more complete story to tell to the world. 

We are seeing miracles here that I am so grateful for.  As we as a mission sought to offer our own personal sacrifices to the Lord for purposes greater than our own, we saw miracles. This time is a time of giving and remembering the birth and life of our Savior.  I would like to invite each and everyone of you reading this to ponder about what it is you can place at the feet of our Savior as a gift(s) to him for the benefit of another.  Whether that be taking more time to study the scriptures so you can better be prepared to answer someone's questions, or to give of your time to serve others. Whatever it may be, I can promise you that as you do that, you will come to feel the wonderful sweet spirit of this year more abundantly and see miracles happen not only in your lives but in other's lives as well.

This is my prayer that you will come to experience what we have in the mission field; seeing miracles by giving our Lord and Savior a gift, not of money or things of this world, but rather giving him a part of yourselves that in the end you may come to know more of his great love and power.  I say these things in his name, even the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

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