Friday, March 1, 2013

Fri 3/1/2013 5:46 AM

That is so true! (see below).  Thank you again for everything!  I love you and am grateful for your letter. I got a bit preachy in my last letter.
Btw, when I go to the airport they allow us to call home before the flight, so make sure you have your phone on you all the time and loud because I leave the 12th! ttyl
On Sun, Feb 24, 2013 at 1:52 PM, Nancy Salerno wrote:
Hi Son,

Just returned from Sunday Session of Stake Conference and it was absolutely wonderful!  Elder Bowen stated that as the world grows darker and darker and darker, we have a greater opportunity to receive more and more personal revelation than ever.  That we should always be asking questions and writing them down and praying for answers, so that as we go through our days, we will recognize when someone does answer one because our Heavenly Father uses others to sometimes answer our prayers.  The more we are aware of our questions, rather than just when we ask them while praying, the more likely we are to know when one has been answered, either while reading the scriptures or while visiting with someone or while sitting in a meeting.  He really emphasized the need for all of us to seek after more and more personal revelation on a daily basis.

Pres. Polly talked about how everyone is seeking happiness and
that our Heavenly Father wants us to be happy, but that so many in the world define happiness as "If only I could.....have more money, live in a bigger house, have more friends, etc., etc.," when really we should be saying, "If only I could be more like my Savior."  He then went on to say that we need to bind ourselves to "ACT" in all righteousness."  Glory shall be added to the kingdom you shall receive, but if we don't bind ourselves to ACT, then it is taken away.  In other words, most feel they are doing good just by not doing bad, but we need to step it up and not just decide between doing bad or good, but between good and better.

As for your blog....I will go through and clean up any spelling or formatting issues, but the rest is up to you! :-)

Love you Son,

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