Sunday, April 28, 2013

Wed 4/24/2013 2:04 PM

There are so many cool things since the last time I wrote! 
On Sunday they asked me to give a talk on missionary work for 15 min.  I spent two hours Sat. prepping for it and was really excited because I saw it as a great opportunity to uplift, edify, strengthen their conversions, and help awaken everyone to their responsibilities. 
That morning I was starving, but I remember having such a strong desire to be able to communicate the things God would have me communicate to them, so I decided to fast.  I remember going over my talk as I sat on the stage before it started when a great desire came over me to just go and greet everyone in the congregation until the meeting started.  I was filled with such love that day.  I was the first to speak.  I remember pleading with all I had that I could be the Lords mouthpiece during this time to say the things that His people needed to hear.  When I stood up I was a little nervous, but then everything just came out as I opened my mouth.  I pronounced everything perfectly and the Spirit was so strong!  Then next thing I knew I wasn't even looking at the paper, but staring them all in the eyes and pouring my heart out to them and the things God wanted me to say.  It was such an amazing moment.
After sacrament everyone was astonished of what had come out of me, since I've only been out about 6 weeks now.  It was truly an amazing experience... being used as an instrument in the hands of the lord and to speak with tongues.  The best part is all day Sunday I was able to understand pretty much everything being spoken and able to speak to everyone.   My confidence in the language increased so much, but then the Lord, in his wisdom and humor, allowed me to have days this week where I could hardly understand anything or speak it!  It's still a wonderful thing to see His hand in my life.  I love it so much.  After the meeting we finally got a whole paper full of names of those who want to come out with us. There were just 4 names on the sign up and afterward all 20 slots were filled!
We have only been able to meet with Alma once since last time we visited her and her son because of her work schedule.  A member wanted to go with us, but we did not know she would be bringing her young daughter, who prove to be a big distraction.
We realized that what we really needed was to be bold with Alma because that is the only way anything really hits her, but she still has not set a baptismal date yet.  It's been hard to meet with her son since he has had a lot of doctor appointments lately, but our week is still really packed with appointments.  We received a huge list of names from our Branch Pres., and along with our investigators we have a lot going on.
Our branch sent in its paper work to become a ward!!! It is awesome!
Before I forget, another thing that happened on that same Sunday....while we were out contacting members and sharing messages with them we were called over two times by people in cars!  In each case they wanted to know more about the church and expressed how they felt they needed guidance in their lives from God.  It's neat to see how when were are doing what the Lord would have us do & go where he would have us go, by relying on Him, He puts people that He has been preparing in our paths.  How great and marvelous this work truly is!  It is amazing to see it move forward and especially to see the Lord's hands in it all, for it is His work we are doing, it is His Gospel we are sharing.
Every time I pour my heart out to him in humble prayer I always feel his love and guidance.  It is truly amazing to me to see the progress, not from what I can do, but based off what I can do with Him by my side.  To see where my Spanish was just a short few weeks ago, and where it is now and all of the different experiences where he has allowed me to speak with the gift of tongues, my heart is truly full of gratitude.  I am beginning to know what it means to trust in Him by turning to him in all things.
Oh how I wish I could just open my mouth and instantly share all of these things with all people, so they could come to know what I have come to know.  I am so grateful to be out here, to be able to have met some of the most amazing people in the whole world.  I hope with all my heart I can share this gospel with others with the same zeal and conviction that the sons of Mosiah did.  I love it so much and I'm so grateful for it in my life.

I know with all my heart that this church is the Church of Jesus Christ that has been fully restored on the earth today.  I know Jesus Christ knows each and everyone of us perfectly and our own individual struggles, for he suffered them for us in order to help us overcome and become like Him.  Last of all I know that Jesus Christ lives and this is his work, for it has beem made manifest to me time and time again before my very eyes.  I leave this testimony with you and a challenge to put to test my words to find out if what I say is true by doing the things I have said to do in the previous entries.  I leave these things with you all in the sacred and beautiful name of our Savior and Redeemer, even Jesus Christ, amen.

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