Sunday, June 16, 2013

Mon 6/10/2013 10:02 AM

Elder Jones mi nuevo companero. El es awesombroso. He is awesome!  It is still weird having a new companion especially since Elder Hawks and I got really close, but I know the Lord put us both together for a reason and that reason, I don't know yet, but I will. He is really cool, but a bit different.

I have been working him to death!  We have so much stuff to do it is crazy.  The other day I listed everything out that we needed to do, it really hit me hard!   So much to get done!  I have been praying hard lately about it and the Lord has been helping me know what to do.  I love that I can always rely on Him for added strength to keep me going when I physically can't.  His grace truly is sufficient.  I am learning more and more what it means to lift with feeble knees.  I am so grateful for that though.  It takes me beyond what I think is physically possible and shows me even more the greatness of God and how we as humans can truly not even come close to comprehend all the things God does no matter how hard we try or how much we think we know.

This last week was pretty dang busy!  We had a lot of visits since Elder Hawks was going home and a lot of food we had to eat back to back.  Boston was amazing as well!  I loved it so much I could honestly see myself living there one day, maybe.  On friday it rained non stop all day and it was really coming down hard!  Luckily it was our planning day, so we got a lot done, but we kept having to take a lot of breaks because water was seeping up through the floor (we live on the bottom floor which is below ground level a little bit).  The carpet is still wet and it smells like wet dog even though we have been doing all we can to dry it up.
We had 102 people at sacrament on Sunday! The English ward only had 3 more members than us - it was cool! 
As for the awesome experiences this last week there are a lot, but really only one I wanna talk about, but I may share a few other encounters.

Sunday we left our branch after sacrament to go to the new English ward for Ana and Tyres confirmation (after a lot of prayer and counseling, it was found to be better for them to go to this ward).  It came time to get up and confirm them members and I found out up there that I was confirming Tyre because he wanted me to....I was like, "What?!"  I wish I had time to prepare before hand because I was so nervous.  Afterward the bishop commented on my facial expression when I found out I was doing it.  Anyway, I did it and it was beautiful and I am so very grateful for that opportunity.  I remember the Spirit that I felt when I said the words, "Tyre Barnette by the authority of the Melchezideck Priesthood which we hold we confirm you a member of the church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and say unto receive the Holy Ghost."  The feeling that was there was amazing!  To know that I hold the Holy Priesthood of God which is the authority, ability and power given to man to act in the name of God for the salvation of his children touches my heart in such a way I cannot ever come close to expressing my gratitude to the Lord.  To know that our Church, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is the only Church on the whole planet that holds this authority to perform baptisms, confirmations, heal the sick, give a blessing of comfort and peace, bless houses, etc. is just mind blowing and I am so grateful for that and to know how great of a blessing this is for myself, and also for my family now and down the road when I have a family of my own.  After this experience I remember sitting during sacrament and I looked over where Ana and Tyre were sitting and when I saw them partake of the sacrament my heart filled with such a love and joy I cannot express.  To know and see that they chose to follow our Savior Jesus Christ, to see them partake of this sacred ordinance to covenant to always remember him, to keep his commandments so that they can always have His spirit to be with them really hit home to me.  I remembered the first time I was able to partake of the sacrament and how much it means to me.  I love it so much and am so grateful for it in my life.

Another experience with the Priesthood ( I guess today that will be what I am focusing on :-D) - we now have two sisters in our area, the first 2 sisters in this area.  They have a new apartment and so we were asked to go and bless it.  We blessed the house that it would be a place of refuge, peace and a place where the Spirit can reside at all times.  The love, peace that filled that house afterward was so apparent.  To know we can make our homes places like this and a place where all can come in and feel that peace, that joy, is so amazing to me.
There were a lot of great run ins we had this past week, but I don't have time to write about them.  Just know I love all of you and I am aware there are those of you whom I don't even know but I love you anyway more than you can ever imagine.
I would like to bear my testimony.  I know that this Church is true and is the Church Jesus Christ established when he was on the earth.  I know that since it was removed from the earth, after all the 12 disciples were killed due to the wickedness of the world, that it was restored in its fulness in our days by a Prophet called of God who's name is Joseph Smith.  I know that the priesthood of God is once again on the earth today and that it truly is the means men are given to act in the name of God to bless his children.  I know that families can be together for all time and all eternity and through the power of the priesthood and how great a blessing this is.  I know that Jesus Christ is our Savior and Redeemer and that he lives and truly how great that sentence is.  I say these things in his sacred name, even the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

For all of you who hold the Priesthood of God I invite you and urge you to strive to come to a new understanding of what exactly it is and how you can use it to bless other people's lives as Christ wants us to.  For the Priesthood is not for us but truly for blessing others and I know that as we use it worthily and with real intent and faithfully, miracles truly do and will happen.  It is my wish that we all will strive to be worthy of the Priesthood and to be able to use it the way God intends us to use it.
I hope that all the women who read this, regardless of age, will strive to have a worthy priesthood holder in their home because of the blessings that come because of it.  There is no greater blessing I know as being a son having a father who holds the priesthood and being able to use it worthily to help give me strength through blessings of comfort and peace, and to be able to do that for the whole family.  Do not settle for anything less!  There truly is much power and great blessings in store for those who have this great blessing.
I am aware that this may not be possible for some of you due to certain circumstances.  I want you to know you can still have this blessing through the members of the Church.  Call them when you need help, ask for blessings for your children and yourself.  I leave these things with all of you in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

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