Monday, August 19, 2013

Mon 8/19/2013 2:53 PM

This past week has been amazing.  There has been a lot of new work coming our way and ideas on how to do it better and huge events going on as well.
For instance, on Sat. we had the Temple ground breaking for the Hartford, CT Temple and Pres. Monson came down for it.  We had a new investigator go with us to the broadcast for the event.  Her name is Victoria and it is a long story how we came in contact with her again, but it most certainly was not a coincidence.  All of the different circumstances that happened in order for us to literally be in the right place at the right time, and then for her to tell us that she was just thinking about us and praying that we would show up. When she said this I felt the Spirit hit me and confirm the words she just said.  She has a lot of faith and knows the scriptures like the back of her hand.  She is a missionary for all sorts of different churches, and we can tell that it will be a little difficult to teach her, but it will be well worth it.
Last night we had a missionary musical fireside where missionaries performed musical numbers, bore testimonies and read scriptures.  I was asked to recite scriptures to introduce the topics, so I shared D&C 19:16-19 on the Atonement and James 1:5 on Revelation.
All the performances were beautiful, especially the ones with our Mission President and his family.  He sang one song with his 16 yr. old daughter and one with his 13 yr. old son.  Each was so beautiful and I felt the love that they had for each other and the Spirit just overwhelmed me and that is how it was during the whole event.  His family is very musically inclined.  Elder Lefthand was able to record it, so hopefully I can get it from him.
We met with Silvia on Thurs. and taught the restoration lesson with a young man whose papers just went in for his mission.  It was an awesome lesson.  She is what we as missionaries call a "Golden Investigator" and truly is one of the children of God He has been preparing to receive the gospel, so it is sad she moved to New Jersey on Sat., but we went ahead and set her up with the missionaries in her area.
We have a new Elder in our district name Elder Nordin, who is with Elder Nielson currently (the Elders that live with us).  He is a great Elder and has been out a little over a year now.  We all bonded really easy and have the same goals, so it is awesome to see the change in the apartment and really in just everything.  We are a lot more unified.
Everyone has been telling me how my Spanish has improved so much and I am really grateful for that because I am a lot more comfortable at speaking it because I can understand more now.
We had a wedding the other day for a lady who has wanted to be baptized for 5 years and couldn't because she wasn't married and didn't have her paper work.  She has a baptismal date on the 31st of this month.  Now her husband will be able to receive the priesthood as a result, after waiting the allotted time.
I have been doing a study, since our District meeting, on focusing on Missionary work and the blessings and promises that we will receive if we just do it.  This is not only for full-time missionaries, but for EVERYONE (members and non members alike) and for those who have been baptized and are members of the church it is just to keep their baptismal covenant(promise) to God to stand as a witness of him in all places and at all times.  The blessings that we receive can help with ANYTHING in our lives.  Whether it be financially, family wise - like helping our families become more unified and strengthened from everything going on out in the world.  We are promised to be forgiven of sins to become more clean, more in tune with the Spirit and so many more things than I can even come close to list at this time.  So, in short, for all of you reading this and especially those who are struggling with something in your lives, whatever it may be, just be a missionary!  Find opportunities to serve others, (opening a door, sayiing hi and asking someone how they are doing, etc.) invite others to come to church with you, to activities or to dinner and invite the missionaries over. Share the gospel of Jesus Christ with people and invite them to learn more about it.  If you are worried that it will ruin your friendship, it wont.  Just let them know how much you love them and why you would like to invite them, and that if they don't want to accept, that is fine, and will not ruin the friendship.  I wish I had more time to share with you all the importance of doing these things and the great promises awaiting.  I share this with you because no matter what it is you are going through at this time in your life, no matter where you are spiritually, whether you are very strong in the gospel or just starting out, these things will bless your lives in more ways than you think possible.
I leave you with this invitation to put these things to the test and to prove God himself for he will deliver. "prove me now herewith, saith the Lord of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it." Malachi 3:10

These things have been a great blessing in my life and have helped not only my life but my family's as a result.  I know that these things are true and are out there awaiting those who will just put them to the test.
I know that Jesus Christ is the Savior of the World, and that He loves us more than we can ever come close to comprehend.  I know that He wants us to turn to him that he may heal us and help us to become like him.  I know that he took upon himself the sins, sicknesses, infirmities, and injustices of this life upon himself so that he could do this.  I know that He lives and because He lives there is always hope and He will help us.  I say these things in his sacred name, even the name of Jesus Christ, amen.


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