Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Mon 4/14/2014 9:51 AM

On Wednesday I came back down to Revere and it has been great.  A little weird though since Elder Wenner went up with Elder Cole, so it was just a swap.  Elder Hunter and I have had a great time though and have been getting a lot done. 
Last Monday we went rock climbing at a gym with a non-member (we got approval btw =D).  It was so much fun and I had forgotten how much I enjoyed going to the rock climbing gym before the mission.  I was pretty sore for the next four days though.
We had an amazing correlation with our ward mission leader, Hermano Paula and all the ward missionaries as well.  It was powerful and we are working hard here in the Revere 1st ward!  We had a great meeting with him and his family this week as well, just to let them know we are here for them and didn't want to focus on missionary work with them since they do so much already, but rather just on their family and their goals.  Out of the love that we had for them and the guidance from the Holy Ghost we were able to share with them scriptures that fit their unique circumstances.  It was a beautiful visit.
We had a lot of things cancel on us this week as well, unfortunately, but it was a blessing in disguise because it finally allowed us some time to get organized a little bit more.
On Friday we had Rosario and had set up an amazing Family Home Evening at a members house.  It ended up not being able to work out and all the people we tried to call to come with us couldn't.  So, being without a man to come with us as chaperone, and doing all we could we headed over there letting her know the situation.  We ended up having Family Home Evening on the front porch, using a i-phone flashlight app for light and then finally getting a lamp out on the porch.  We watched the new mormom message video about how Christ wants to forgive; we ate pizza; had cookies and ice cream and played a little bit of monopoly.  It was a great experience and what the family needed with all that is going on in their lives right now.  We were also able to talk to Stephanie and John about their parents divorce; how it has affected them and it was a good little talk; just letting them know we understand, love them and are there for them.  I love that family so much.
On Sunday we had 2 non-members walk into the church building who stayed for sacrament.  A member just so happened to run into them, invited them to sit with her and after sacrament we started to get to know them.  The older lady was a little sick and the member previously explained to them how if they wanted, we could give them blessings of health, so we did =D.  It was a very special experience.  I was able to give both of them blessings.  One to the older lady and the second to the the little boy they brought with them who is about 4 and deaf.  That was such a beautiful experience where the Spirit just came in and overwhelmed me. When we as priesthood holders put our hands on someone's head to give a blessing, they are truly no longer ours, but rather Christ's whose name we are doing it in.  As a result of this experience they want us to come by this Friday, in the evening, and meet with them.  I am really looking forward to that.
Later that night, with our friend Jack, we went to this musical event where Jenny Oaks Baker performed.  It was amazing!  She is very talented, as well as her little children who also performed.  They are between the ages of  9 and 12 and they played like pros.  Also, the guy who plays Hyram Smith in the Joseph Smith Prophet of the Restoration was there and sang Tenor.  He is incredibly good.  It was a great experience and I got to see my dear friends Elder Lefthand and Nordin again.
I just want to express how grateful I am for a loving Father in Heave who knows all of us perfectly and our unique situations.  I have been feeling of his love, mercy and power in my life so much lately as I am striving my best to fulfill the plan that he has for me.
The greatest thing I could ever share with any of you is my testimony that I know that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, that he loves us, knows how to help us in our unique circumstance, because he went through them himself, and last of all that he lives. I know this because I have felt his presence in my life, I have seen his hands guiding me lovingly and have experienced the miraculous power of his atoning sacrifice.
I invite all of you reading this to strive to put coming to know him at the top of your list.  You can do this by studying the scriptures, praying and doing the best you can to live as he lived.  I leave these things with you in his name, even the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

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