Sunday, April 27, 2014

Tue 4/22/2014 9:56 AM

This past week has been a pretty good one, jammed with a lot of things.  Last Monday for P-Day it was incredibly windy and we decided to go and do the Freedom Trail in Boston.  It was funny to see people leaning into the wind so they didn't fall over.  It was a lot of fun, but at the end of the day it wiped us out.  Of all the times I have done the Freedom Trail this was the first time I had actually climbed up to the top of the Bunker Hill Monument.  The 294 steps to the top were actually a bit harder than I thought it would be after doing the whole freedom trail and the other activities we did, but the reward the view gave us was well worth it.
We were able to prepare a lot of people for Easter Sunday, which I enjoyed being able to focus on the Atonement with them and especially the part of the Resurrection.
On Tuesday we had interviews with President Packard, our Mission President.  That day was very windy and rainy.  We were waiting for the bus under the bus stop shelter, but with the wind blowing at us the way it did, the shelter was pretty useless, so we got soaked. Our umbrellas got destroyed from the wind and as we were waiting, this guy pulled over and asked us where we were going.  It turns out he is a member and goes to the singles ward.  He was very friendly and gave us a ride all the way to the Stake Center for the interview.  We had great trainings from the Assistants to the President as well as our Zone Leaders and Sister Training Leaders on how we can accomplish Zion in our Companionships a little better.  Then the cherry on top was a package I had received from Hickory Farms full of Summer Sausage, cheese, mustard, and crackers which surprisingly I shared with everyone.
We were able to meet with a youth, who on Sunday was set apart for his calling as secretary.  That Sunday was pretty cool, the Young Men's leaders let the youth do the setting apart.  The youth that had the opportunity to do that talked about how they felt the Spirit so strongly, but in a different way as they used their Priesthood.  It was a great opportunity we had with this youth to follow up on the Priesthood and what it means to hold it.  Later on that same evening, we met with Jose, and shared with him the Mormon message, "He Wants to Forgive," since it fit his situations perfectly.  It went really well.  Afterwards, we were blessed with the opportunity to go to the Temple with our Ward for a session.  It was a whole lot easier to do this second time in Spanish =D. 
As for the work as a whole, we are still working to get everything really going.  We are working with Auxiliary Leaders and brainstorming ideas on how we can get everyone to start doing their Home Teaching and Visiting Teaching.  I have come to realize while on my mission that this is of huge importance to missionary work since when Home Teaching and Visiting Teaching don't get done, people fall away.  Even more than that, we are not keeping our baptismal covenant completely if we are not fulfilling the obligation, responsibility and opportunity of Home Teaching and Visiting Teaching.  We are now going to be implementing a split calendar to help people do their Home Teaching and Visiting Teaching.
After all these weird weather changes and getting exhausted I  have gotten a bit sick starting on Friday.  But, the work still moves forward =D.  On Saturday we walked a few miles to the Young Men's President's home and expressed how we are here to help them accomplish their righteous desires and also callings in any way we can.  We will now be helping a lot with mutual since he has been having difficulties with getting it going again.
On Sunday we had a great Stake Conference as we celebrated the power and meaning behind the Resurrection of Jesus Christ.  I love those special times of the year when we can really focus on what he has done for us, but really, we should be remembering ALWAYS the significance of those things every day of our lives not only on those special days.
I have been recuperating pretty quickly and yesterday we had a great P-Day that started at 3 a.m.  We were allowed to go to the Battle of Lexington Re-Enactment, which was awesome!  After that we met with a lot of missionaries and went to the Cambridge Stake Center and played Ultimate Frisbee and then to Boston for the Boston Marathon.  We had a great time.  Then to finish off the P-Day, well we ate at this buffet place called "Fire and Ice."  Let's just say after eating there, I do not think any other buffet can ever come close to take top of the list over this one!  It was fantastic!  Some of the best food I have ever tasted.
I want to leave you all with my testimony that I do know that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is the Church of Jesus Christ restored on the earth today.  That He is at its' head guiding and directing us today through our Prophet Thomas S. Monson.

If we strive to love one another and serve one another we can come even closer to him.  For as we do as he himself did, we will come to know him even more than we do now.  I know that we can do this through our Home Teaching and Visiting Teaching as members, and through seeking to give service to others whether we are a member or not.  I leave these things with you in the name of Jesus Christ amen.

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