Saturday, February 1, 2014

Mon 1/27/2014 10:28 AM

This past week has been pretty dang good!  We had a great turn out on Sunday of 39, where people are coming more consistently and for those that are returning, they are doing the things they need to do and as a result it has been a great blessing to see the light in their eyes grow brighter and brighter!  Repentance truly is a beautiful, remarkable thing!  Especially to see people come and taste of it's fruits and come to know what true joy, peace and happiness is like.
I had a pretty interesting experience.  We were over at Ramona's house and I got attacked furiously by a little 6 year old girl... She jumped out of no where and.... well... needless to say, I had received 3 big kisses on my face by her before I knew what in the world happened lol!  They are an amazing family whom I have come to love and care about so much.  I cannot wait to see them enter the waters of baptism when they are ready and make that amazing step preparatory to receiving the Gift of the Holy Ghost, one of the greatest blessings and gifts we have in this life.  A gift where we have the wonderful companionship of a member of the Godhead always with us, to guide us in our lives, provide comfort when we stand in need of comfort and to help us increase in knowledge and truth of all things.  It truly is amazing and a gift that I am very grateful for in my life.
On Tuesday we got red-dotted.. again.  We were doing service and the Chester rolled in and dumped a descent amount of snow on the ground making it a bit difficult to head out and work.
During studies this last week I learned a lot which I am grateful for and I wish I could share it all with you.  During my studies I felt impressed on how we can go about inviting Ramona to be baptized and as well as some other things to help her have more Spiritual experiences confirming the truth to her so we can point out the Spirit to her.  I am looking forward to meeting with them this week.

Oh how lucky we are to have a loving Father in Heaven who has given us wonderful families on this earth!  Even more so as members of the Church to not only know that death has no victory over us - meaning death is not the end.  Also that we can live for ALL TIME AND ETERNITY with those we love and cherish the most, our families.  What a wonderful plan and example of the love that our Heavenly Father has for us!  We will experience times of sorrow, loneliness, heartache and many other not so fun emotions and events in life, but we have the enabling power of our Savior Jesus Christ to carry us through, allowing us to do those things that we ourselves are not able to do without him.  We do not need to wait to feel his warm, loving arms engulf us, but rather if we turn to him and pour out our heats to him and express our innermost feelings, doubts, fears, thoughts, He WILL be there for us.  I Know this to be true, as I have felt him literally lift me up and wrap me in his arms and I have seen that happen in the lives of others.  Trials will come, but only for a short season leaving us stronger, more compassionate and loving towards others as a result.  In essence, these trials are what shapes us to become more like our Heavenly Father.

I leave you all with my love, my support and my testimony.  That I know Jesus Christ is the literal Son of God, that He lives, and that through him we can have peace, joy and the strength to continue on and be shaped into who it is our Heavenly Father wants us to be.  I say these things in his name, the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

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